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Virtue and Vice January 22, 2009

Posted by mandsrix in Baltimore Ricks, Uncategorized.

Marc has informed me I am long past due on posting some pictures of our cute boys and their new-found naughtiness.  Walking has certainly opened up worlds of possibilities meaning that they have now doubled the areas of the house and shelves they can reach and destroy.  Here are the boys wearing their very appropriate Christmas shirts.  I am sad to say that both shirts tell the truth. (The shirts say “My brother is the naughty one.”)


So here are some pictures proving my point.  One of their new favorite games seems to be “How much mess can we make at breakfast?”


Here are the boys trying to sneak into the rabbit enclosure.  I had to rig this gate so that bunnies can get in and out but babies cannot.  This decision resulted from a few incidents like the time Gabriel got his entire body inside the rabbit cage and was sitting on the litter box, the time Elijah stole the bag of rabbit treats and ate half of them before we found his stash and the fact that the boys were constantly putting their toys and leftover snacks into the rabbit cage for Boo and Radley to eat.


Gabe’s walking has lead to increased dare-devilry and climbing.  He is constantly finding things to climb on top of in order to reach objects on tables and shelves he is not supposed to have like mommy’s scriptures.  He has torn no less than 40 pages which had to be taped back in.  They are a lot thicker now.


Elijah’s latest thing is smoking.  We’re not sure where he got it, but he “smokes” pretty much anything that is cylindrical.  We don’t think he’s ever even seen someone smoke a cigarette but he even has the between the fingers grasp.  We are a little concerned but have to admit it is pretty adorable.


So that’s it for the vice pictures.  Here are some virtuous ones so you don’t think our boys are all bad.  Here is a miraculous picture of them sleeping at the same time!  I love it when this happens.


Here they are playing together on the firetrucks Santa brought them for Christmas.  I love Gabe’s hair- he just woke up from a nap.


And finally here they are just being plain old cute.  We hope you enjoyed the pictures and would love to see some posts from other siblings (hint hint) or at least let us know when you update personal blogs.


Whirlwind (snow) December 08 January 19, 2009

Posted by mom6 in Provo Ricks.
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Lots of good things happened in December, some of which I will feature here. We did get to have family members over a few times, so here’s to some memories:

crafts-family-2-08Here’s a grand picture of Jennifer and Ryan with Cayelle–I’m sure she won’t remember much of her first Christmas!

jonx-and-tine-christmas-2008One of the fun things we did on Christmas Eve was to watch the wedding video of Jonx and Tine–it was the first time they saw it as well.

hulberts-end-08Lora and John were with us Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, and then they left for California–some intense drive in the snow to get to the airport! We have had lots of snow!

computer-fun-08As you can see we are laughing at something on the computer. Some of the things one can find are very humorous!

g-g-smith-end-08My parents and siblings and their spouses came over the day after Christmas for dinner and a gift exchange. I’m not sure how much longer my mother will be with us. She has been in the hospital twice since Christmas and is suffering from congestive heart failure. Yesterday she asked my dad to call all us children to let us know she is ready to go. We just don’t know how much longer she will last.

pioneer-puzzleThis was a challenging puzzle we worked on during Christmas holidays. As you can see there is a lot of repetition–in the pattern as well as in the shapes of the puzzle pieces.

old-officeIn December I moved from my old office in the Staheli Building (small home perched at the top of the hill on the southern end of campus) to . . .

new-office-2. . . my new office in B-49 (the former Ezra Taft Benson Food and Agriculture Institute Building at the bottom of our hill: 800 North and 500 East). I love it except that I don’t have a window and I have to walk further to get to the library or bookstore on campus.

Robert and Nancy visited her family in California before her parents leave on a mission to Denmark. And we were so glad that Marc and Sarah and boys were able to join the Flinders for Christmas festivities (and not so glad when Marc and Sarah came home to find their home had been burglarized).