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Bug Bite March 27, 2009

Posted by mandsrix in Baltimore Ricks, Uncategorized.
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After giving the boys a bath yesterday, we noticed this mysterious bite on Gabe’s arm.bite1

Note the strange four on top, three on bottom bite pattern.  We examined the usual suspects to determine who might have given Gabe this bite.


After some high-tech forensics and sleuthing we were able to determine that the bite came from none other than Elijah”Bug” Ricks.bite6

We apprehended the culprit and he had to spend the night behind bars.  Luckily, Gabe seems to have recovered from his wound and is once again enjoying his usual activities such as taking apart the couch in hopes of finding stale food under the cushions.


Boys³ March 17, 2009

Posted by mandsrix in Baltimore Ricks, Uncategorized.

Here’s the latest on our boys:

Gabe is into reading and climbing- sometimes he combines the two.boys2

We are continually amazed at the spaces he can get himself into.


Occasionally, he gets himself stuck. (Actually, I just rescued him- he was pinned between the couch and the wall.  Don’t ask me how he got back there.)  This was one of his first attempts at climbing into his own highchair.


Elijah has been learning from Gabe’s example, but sometimes Gabe isn’t flattered by Elijah’s copycatting.boys8boys7

After that push, he had to go to time out.  He was very very sorry.boys19

Elijah is still his own little person.  He loves to play in tubs of all sorts, sometimes accompanied by his brother.


He loves to ride his firetruck and push the sound buttons over and over and over….boys16

He takes after his mommy in loving shoes and hating being awakened from naps.


His latest hobby includes shoving items through the mail slot so that we are continually finding toy cars, scraps of paper and other miscellaneous objects on our front porch.


Finally, we would like to introduce boy #3 who we’re pretty sure we’re going to name David John.  We got to see him for the first time yesterday and he’s every bit as stubborn and wiggly as the twins were.  He was not very cooperative in showing the ultrasound technician all the parts she needed to see, but at least he let us know his gender.  It was fun to watch him wave his little arms, chew on his fingers and kick his legs.  Here are a few pictures:

Here’s the proof that he is, in fact, another boy.


These are 3D shots of his face.  He was being very shy and had his arm up, so you can see his little arm and hand on the left, and then you can see his nose and lips in the center of the picture.djshydjshy2

Here’s a profile shot.  His head is on the right and he is chewing on his fingers.  At 21 weeks gestation he is a whopping 14 ounces and everything looks great.  We feel so blessed to have another amazing little boy on the way.


Virtue and Vice January 22, 2009

Posted by mandsrix in Baltimore Ricks, Uncategorized.

Marc has informed me I am long past due on posting some pictures of our cute boys and their new-found naughtiness.  Walking has certainly opened up worlds of possibilities meaning that they have now doubled the areas of the house and shelves they can reach and destroy.  Here are the boys wearing their very appropriate Christmas shirts.  I am sad to say that both shirts tell the truth. (The shirts say “My brother is the naughty one.”)


So here are some pictures proving my point.  One of their new favorite games seems to be “How much mess can we make at breakfast?”


Here are the boys trying to sneak into the rabbit enclosure.  I had to rig this gate so that bunnies can get in and out but babies cannot.  This decision resulted from a few incidents like the time Gabriel got his entire body inside the rabbit cage and was sitting on the litter box, the time Elijah stole the bag of rabbit treats and ate half of them before we found his stash and the fact that the boys were constantly putting their toys and leftover snacks into the rabbit cage for Boo and Radley to eat.


Gabe’s walking has lead to increased dare-devilry and climbing.  He is constantly finding things to climb on top of in order to reach objects on tables and shelves he is not supposed to have like mommy’s scriptures.  He has torn no less than 40 pages which had to be taped back in.  They are a lot thicker now.


Elijah’s latest thing is smoking.  We’re not sure where he got it, but he “smokes” pretty much anything that is cylindrical.  We don’t think he’s ever even seen someone smoke a cigarette but he even has the between the fingers grasp.  We are a little concerned but have to admit it is pretty adorable.


So that’s it for the vice pictures.  Here are some virtuous ones so you don’t think our boys are all bad.  Here is a miraculous picture of them sleeping at the same time!  I love it when this happens.


Here they are playing together on the firetrucks Santa brought them for Christmas.  I love Gabe’s hair- he just woke up from a nap.


And finally here they are just being plain old cute.  We hope you enjoyed the pictures and would love to see some posts from other siblings (hint hint) or at least let us know when you update personal blogs.


We’re so glad when Daddy is home October 14, 2008

Posted by mandsrix in Baltimore Ricks, Uncategorized.

Marc finished up his difficult OB/GYN rotation and is now in a blissful (but very short) two-week research rotation.  This means we get to see him a lot more and we are trying to make good use of that time.  Not only can we do things as a family, but we can also actually take pictures since Marc’s phone has a decent camera and I usually forget our real one.  So, here are some of the grand adventures we’ve been having:

Sam’s Club- yes Marc actually agreed to venture into a STORE!  This may not be exciting for you, but for us it was groundbreaking territory.


We walked to the local heavily-graffitied playground only to find that the boys were still too small to fit safely in the swings.  Ah, but wait!  Two boys are better than one and by wedging them in back to back they were plenty snug.  They had a great time swinging and playing at the park during our first bout of cool fall weather.  (We wish the jacket weather would come back- 80’s today and tomorrow.)

One of the nearby libraries has an adorable little place called “Storyville” (Marc always calls it Storytime Village from the Simpsons) where little kids can play.  They have a special area for kids under two with padded floor, mirrors, cushions, tons of baby toys and board books, and a giant sized garden with flowers and rabbits that the babies can pull to standing on and walk around.  The boys LOVED it and they even enjoyed the toddler section which had a log tunnel to crawl through and a rocking boat.

Finally, Marc was also able to attend Stake Conference with us- which was a big blessing since I don’t know what I would have done with the boys while I was interpreting.  The boys were sporting their new white shirts and boat vests so we had to get some pictures.  The group shots didn’t go too well but we got a great picture of Elijah.

Random Roadtrip September 29, 2008

Posted by mandsrix in Baltimore Ricks.

I have reached new levels of bravery- or perhaps insanity.  Motivated by the fact that I was not going to see Marc for five days since he was on a nasty OBGYN night rotation I decided at around 9:30 on Thursday morning (September 18th) that I wanted to go see my family in Ohio.  I packed everything up and we left shortly before noon.  That’s right- I drove 8 hours (9 with two rest stops) by myself with the boys.  We stayed for a week and had a great time with my family. My dad had knee surgery so the boys and I were able to help take care of him for a couple of days while he recovered.  I got to see some old friends and we went swimming at the YMCA where my brother, Joe, works.  On the trip back to Baltimore we caused a little excitement when an elderly woman spotted me with the twins in the parking lot of a Wendy’s where we had stopped for lunch.  I was in the process of changing the boys in the trunk of the Camry since there had been no changing facilities inside.  The woman freaked out, thinking that I was loading the boys in the trunk and intending to let them ride back there.  Luckily I was able to explain myself before she called the cops.  I’ve included some pictures of the boys playing at Grandma’s house as well as one of Marc and the boys watching football together- something they all love.  The last picture is from last night when Gabe found a lotion container that he could get into.  He put a large quantity in his mouth but luckily it was non-toxic.

Gabriel and Elijah update extravaganza September 11, 2008

Posted by mandsrix in Baltimore Ricks.

I know its only been a couple of weeks since my last post but it seems like the boys have changed so much in just that short period of time.  Here are some headliners from the Gabrielijah Gazette:

Kold Klobbers Kiddies:

Fussiness and Runny Noses Abound

I think this was the boy’s first real cold.  I think I should have bought stock in tissues.  I just ran around for days picking up crying babies and wiping noses.


Twins Tickle Ivories at Jewish Engagement Party

Gina’s father is a wedding singer (and yes that is his favorite movie).  The boys LOVED all the instruments and the impromptu jam session that developed at the party.  They especially loved banging on the piano and singing along.


Elijah Stunning in New Swimwear

My mom purchased these “18 month” swim trunks for next summer.  I don’t know if they’ll fit then, but they sure looked cute on our boys at the pool party we had at Gina’s apartment.


Baby Boys BFFs Boasts Baltimore Broad

It has been a delight to watch them interact more and more with each other.  I hear them on the baby monitor talking and laughing together when they are supposed to be going to sleep, or first thing in the morning.  One day, I walked into the nursery to find them sitting like this and playing together.  They even, occassionally, share toys and hand them back and forth.  It is pretty adorable.


Mini Munchers Give Solids 5-Star Rating

Gabriel loves to eat finger foods but he is a Ricks- picky and OCD.  First, he must sort through his food and eat all of one thing before he can eat something else.  His favorite is cheerios.  If there are cheerios in sight, nothing else will get eaten.  Next, he must grasp the food in a perfect pincer grasp.  I have seen him pick up and drop a piece of food over and over until he is holding it exactly right.  Finally, he places the food daintily in his mouth.

Elijah also loves solids- but he has a different approach.  He scoops everything up in huge handfuls and shoves it into his mouth with both hands.  He can consume the same amount of food as Gabriel in one tenth the time.


Dynamic Duo’s Dastardly Deeds Deterred:

Parents Beef up Home Security

I set up this pack and play in the basement as a safe repository for babies if, heaven forbid, I should need to use the bathroom or something.  Gabe loves these Pooh and friends stuffed animals who also live in the pack and play.  Uncle Matt acquired them for the babies as an early birthday present.

The house has undergone some extreme baby-proofing measures.  The coffee table was cleaned out and all the games and puzzles put in baby-safe containers.  We now keep baby toys in the coffee table which they think is a blast.  I have also been creating skirts for our bookshelves so that tasty literary morsels on the bottom shelves are hidden from view.  We’ve also been busy hiding and rerouting electrical cords and creating barriers to the computers, etc. with beanbags and laundry baskets.  So far our measures have been successful with the exceptions of a card game, tape and one lamp which have been destroyed.

Superman=Superfun August 23, 2008

Posted by mandsrix in Baltimore Ricks, DC Ricks.

About two weeks ago we went to see Superman at Screen on the Green with Robert and Nancy. (For those of you who don’t know, Screen on the Green is an a free outdoor movie venue hosted by HBO. The one we went to was on the mall in DC.) I had never actually seen the original Superman in its entirety and was delighted with its corny lines, “special” effects and the fact that it stood for “truth, justice and the American way”. We had a lovely picnic outside and savored our last outing with Robert and Nancy before they left for Utah. We are very sad to see them go. We’ve been spoiled to have family so close- especially hip, savvy, fun family like Robert and Nancy. I’ve included several pictures from our evening out as well as some random pics of Gabe and Elijah playing with their hats and sunglasses. I can’t remember why they didn’t have clothes on in this particular instance but I feel compelled to share with you one of the joys of having twins: the poop fight. Yes, one morning I discovered that putting them to bed in nothing but diapers, because it was so hot, was a big mistake. Elijah had created a delightful substance which both he and Gabe managed to get their hands in and smear all over each other, blankets, toys, etc. Upon seeing the horrific, smelly mess I came nearer, perhaps, than ever before to saying a naughty word. Needless to say, they both received baths and I did several loads of laundry that day. I have recovered from the incident and have decided to keep them despite this manufacturer’s defect.

Marc and Sarah Ricks fam sporting BYU gear

Elijah shows off his scooting prowess.

Gabe was scared by all the loud noises- lucky Uncle Robert was there to protect him.

Uncle Robert and Aunt Nancy with the buddies

We had a great view of the Capitol lit up for the night.

Despite having all the symptoms of “teething” for several months, our boys are still the toothless wonders.

“Give me that hat…” Gabe has gotten very grabby lately. He also seems to have a double standard. If he takes Elijah’s things, that’s fine but if Elijah takes his things he throws a temper tantrum. Marc said he had a hard time sharing when he was little too… maybe it’s genetic.

Escape from Art Scape August 1, 2008

Posted by mandsrix in Baltimore Ricks.

In July, we went with some of Marc’s friends to Art Scape- one of the nation’s largest art festivals. The boys loved all of the colors, costumes, music and the taste of strawberry smoothie that we gave them. We had a great time and decided to walk back to our friend’s apartment to feed the boys before going home. On our way, we saw a huge crowd of people cheering. We assumed this was yet another Art Scape spectacle and moved in to see what was so exciting. It turned out not to be part of Art Scape at all, but a vicious street fight between two men. When we realized what was happening, we tried to move but it was difficult with the stroller. Marc was able to get the stroller through a brief parting in the crowd but I got separated from them and found myself in the middle of the action. The fighters charged towards me, one falling down in front of me and the other grabbing me and almost pulling me to the ground. I was able to stay upright but I was still caught between the two guys. Luckily our friend Sahel, 6’8″, saw what was happening and yelled at the fighters to get away from me. He was able to drag me out of the center and we found Marc and the babies. I was definitely shaken but okay. I now just add this experience to the list of “only in Baltimore” things that have happened since we moved here. Anyway, the rest of our evening was great and I even almost beat Marc at Mario Cart on our friend’s Wii. Here are some pics from Art Scape (sorry- no pics of the fighting action):

Our favorite part was the Art Cars like the Lobstermobile (seen here with Marc and Finn and the babies)

the wooden truck

the phone car- which can really be driven on the highway

and our very favorite- the singing fish car. All of the fish on this car have moving mouths and tails and they all move differently and in time with the song being sung. It was really amazing.

See the guy in the right corner with the blue Yale shirt? That’s Sahel, my rescuer.

There were also many people on stilts and in outrageous costumes.

As a result, the Elders who were volunteering with the Baltimore Recycling group were asked if they were “really Mormons” or if they were just “Catholics or something dressed up to make fun of Mormons”. Marc vouched for the Elders and our friends who are both Catholic got a kick out of the question too. “Yes,” they said, “we Catholics are sneaky like that.”

The kids section had a lot of cut outs to take pictures in. We chose this one because there’s nothing that says Baltimore like giant rats.

What’s round on both ends and high in the middle? July 22, 2008

Posted by mandsrix in Baltimore Ricks, Valpo Ricks.
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That’s right! It’s OHIO! We had a great visit with my parents and brothers in Ohio. Rebecca, Camden and Kaleb came to visit as well as my grandparents from Arkansas. There are way too many fabulous pictures to share so I tried to just pick a few. We went bowling, visited a dairy farm, went to the Air Force museum and just generally had a good time. Before I share pictures I feel compelled to straighten out a gross misconception that even the very smart Rebecca Flinders was unaware of. The Wright Brothers are from Ohio, not North Carolina. That’s why Ohio is the “birthplace of aviation” and why the world’s largest Air Force Base is in my home town of Fairborn. Marc says I have state insecurities but I think he’s just jealous that Ohio is so cool!

I love you Baltimore June 9, 2008

Posted by mandsrix in Baltimore Ricks.

As the residency application deadline approaches I have come to realize that this may well be our last year in Baltimore. I’ve been writing some memoirs of our time here entitled “Livin’ in da ‘Hood: a guide to urban Baltimore”. I’ve been including some of our stories with the N&B but I thought I’d also post them here in case some people (like us) no longer have an N&B subscription. So here are the first two sections- maybe Jonathan and Tine shouldn’t read these, I think they are applying at Hopkins.

Crime in da ‘Hood: For most people, it is the fear of crime that keeps them from living in Baltimore city. During our stay here we have only had two incidents. So here is what we have learned:

1990s Dodge minivans will be stolen by groups of local teenage boys because they are notoriously easy to hot wire. However, those teenagers will be easily caught by the police when the cops notice a 1990s Dodge minivan driving erratically with smoke pouring out from under the hood. Apparently, teenage boys just don’t have the same finesse that my (Sarah’s) brother does for junker vehicles. The van was returned with little damage other than the fact that my brother had to start it with a screwdriver from that point forward. We all bought clubs (devices which immobilize the steering wheel unless unlocked with a key) for our vehicles to prevent future theft.

Teenage boys in Baltimore apparently carry around bolt cutters just for fun. It has nothing to do with the fact that they are standing outside your garage doors that are secured only with padlocks and they certainly weren’t the cause of those suspicious noises you heard coming from just outside the garage. If you follow these boys home and tell their mamas what they’ve been doing, the boys will call you a snitch and their mamas will call them names that can’t be written in a publication such as this.

Shopping in da ‘Hood: There are many ways to obtain goods unique to our Baltimore neighborhood. Here are a few examples:

If you want ice cream, say no more, you’ve come to the right place. Our neighborhood ice cream truck runs 9 months out of the year beginning in March and lasting until November. The ice cream truck drives down our street at least 5 times daily and has been known to park on our street corner. Sometimes for over an hour. With the music on. There is nothing more pleasant than hearing nursery rhymes played at loud volume right under your open window. Indeed, whoever drives this truck seems to be quite the go getter. This truck may be heard as early as 7 am and as late as 10 pm. However, in the evening and late night hours the music changes to a rap beat complete with record scratches. We are not sure what the truck sells when playing this music, but we suspect that it is not ice cream.

Also unique to our ‘hood is a man we have deemed “the yard sale man”. The yard sale man is to be seen standing in his small corner yard amid a cloud of cigarette smoke selling his wares every Friday, Saturday and Sunday, weather permitting. He throws wide the doors of his little shed and proudly displays an array of objects of questionable origin. Sometimes his merchandise is new, sometimes it is used but it always thematic. Where does it all come from? We don’t know, but past themes have included: grills (all shapes sizes and conditions), window ac units, patio furniture, mirrors, bedside tables, plastic plates, cups and utensils. In a pinch, we once purchased plastic plates and cups from him. He seemed very nice and even held his cigarette behind his back for me (Sarah), he said, since I was pregnant at the time. He gave us a very good price and the transaction seemed innocent enough, but we always feel a little guilty when we reflect on our purchase. Were we, in fact, supporting a black market trade in picnic ware? We may never know.

Our house was built in the 1930s and the basement used to be a neighborhood grocery, or so we are told. The current neighborhood grocery is a couple of blocks down and has a huge sign touting “We sell beer on Sunday.” However, we choose to use the larger, but still authentic, grocery store several blocks away named “Food Depot”. Food Depot carries most items that you would expect from a large grocery store and has fantastic prices but it is also unique in several ways. Firstly, it is perhaps the only grocery store in which someone yelling out “Hey look everybody, there’s a white girl in the black market!” would cause everyone in the produce section to whip around and gawk at me (Sarah) selecting cucumbers. One might also notice that while it is difficult to find the romaine lettuce, huge bins of collard greens and kale take pride of place. Music playing in the store may include rap, gospel or oldies. Persons inside the store may bring in their own table and sell their products such as “Black Soap: soap for Black skin”, t-shirts bearing gospel messages (my favorite is one with the McDonalds golden arches that says, “My Jesus, I’m Lovin’ Him”) or the names of R&B artists, a vast array of perfumes and handbags, CDs of the music being played in the store, etc. Also inside the store you will find specialty departments such as the Pharmacy Depot and Liquor Depot. We actually love our special grocery store. My only complaint is that the employees are less than helpful if you can’t locate an item. When asked about the location of yeast one employee responded, “Yeast? What’s a yeast? I don’t know nothin’ ‘bout no yeast!” No, apparently you don’t.